The Hacienda Bros, Little Charlie and the Nightcats, Bonnie Bishop, Junior Brown, Fast Johnny Ricker, Miss Majors, Koolaide, and MORE 3/20 - 3/24/2007
Tuesday 3/20
Koolaide & the Exact Change Band
7:30pm to 10:30
$2 wells, $2 draws, $2 beers & $2 Lucky Dogs
Wednesday 3/21
Miss Majors & her Minor Mood Swings
7:30 to 10:30 No Cover
Thursday 3/22
Junior Brown
with special guest Fast Johnny Ricker
8pm Tickets $20 adv $25 dos
Friday 3/23
Little Charlie & the Nightcats
with special guest Bonnie Bishop
8pm tickets $15
Saturday 3/24
The Hacienda Brothers
with special guest the Doghouse Daddies
Blues Challange winners
9pm $ 10adv $12 dos
Koolaide & the Exact Change Band
7:30pm to 10:30
$2 wells, $2 draws, $2 beers & $2 Lucky Dogs
Wednesday 3/21
Miss Majors & her Minor Mood Swings
7:30 to 10:30 No Cover
Thursday 3/22
Junior Brown
with special guest Fast Johnny Ricker
8pm Tickets $20 adv $25 dos
Friday 3/23
Little Charlie & the Nightcats
with special guest Bonnie Bishop
8pm tickets $15
Saturday 3/24
The Hacienda Brothers
with special guest the Doghouse Daddies
Blues Challange winners
9pm $ 10adv $12 dos